This article reproduced from the newsletter of The Liberty Times.

《中英對照讀新聞》Index finger length prostate cancer clue 食指長度是攝護腺癌線索

The length of a man’s fingers can provide clues to his risk of prostate cancer, according to new research. A British Journal of Cancer study found men whose index finger was longer than their ring finger were significantly less likely to develop the disease.


Researchers made the discovery after comparing the hands of 1,500 prostate cancer patients with 3,000 healthy men. The length of the fingers is fixed before birth and is thought to relate to sex hormone levels in the womb.


Being exposed to less testosterone before birth results in a longer index finger and may protect against prostate cancer later in life, say researchers at the University of Warwick and the Institute of Cancer Research. One of the report authors, Professor Ros Eeles, said more studies would be needed, but if these confirmed the findings it could be used a simple test for prostate cancer risk.


She said:"This exciting finding means that finger pattern could potentially be used to select at-risk men for ongoing screening, perhaps in combination with other factors such as family history or genetic testing."



result in:片語,導致。例句:Icy road conditions in Teesdale resulted in two roads being closed.(替斯戴爾路面冰封,導致兩條路封閉。)

relate to:片語,關於。Chapter nine relates to the effects of inflation on consumers.(第9章是關於通膨對消費者的影響。)

ongoing:形容詞,進行中的。例句:No agreement has yet been reached and the negotiations are still ongoing.(目前尚未達成任何協議,談判還在進行中。)

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